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Аудио материалы для изучения английского языка.

Уважаемые посетители! Курсы иностранных языков МультиЛингвист предлагают Вам аудиоматериалы для самостоятельного изучения английского языка.

Школа «МультиЛингвист» рекомендует: Are you looking for good audio resources to improve your listening skills? Please, discover a fabulous website: www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/how2/ Learn and practise useful English language for everyday with the BBC. Your weekly instruction manual for saying or doing something in English is published every Wednesday. Each programme is six minutes long and contains examples and explanations to help you improve your knowledge of the English language across a wide range of topics. This week they discuss situations workaholism. We are here to help you. Let us offer you some exercises which will assist you in understanding and remembering new words. Thu, 28 May 09 Workaholism Before listening: Read the definitions and try to guess the words or phrases they define: 1. a particular way in which your work is organized - w____________ p_____________ 2. to wait for the moment when you can leave work and go home - to c________________ 3. to spend time working beyond the usual time needed or expected in a job - to d_____ o_______________ 4. to get the right combination of working and enjoying our personal life - w______ - l_____ b____________ 5. something that becomes less important that something else is called a s____________ i__________ 6. the normal or average standard - the n________ 7. to work so hard over a period of time that you become unable to continue working because you are tired, ill or unable to think of any new ideas - to b________ o______ 8. the feeling of being annoyed, upset or impatient because you cannot control or change a situation - f__________________ 9. the level of output you can achieve within a certain time - p__________________ Now listen and check your guesses. Still not sure? Then look at the answers

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